

Located in the historic Montgomery County, Maryland community of Ken-Gar, First Baptist Church was formed 98 years ago, FBCKG was organized at the home of Carrie Davis, under the direction of Rev. Cave. Among the founders were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crockett, Mr. and Mrs. William Kain, Mary Lawson, Annie Griggs, Mr. and Mrs. William Adams, Sr., Rev. and Mrs. Burns, William Adams, Jr., and Carrie Davis. Rev. Cave, and Trustees Crockett and Kain made arrangements to purchase the present site from John Hoffman. A charter was obtained from Calvary Baptist Church, Rockville, Maryland. The original building was built in 1920. After Rev. Cave's death, our ministry has been served by Pastors: Bernard Botts, John Lancaster, James Cook, Louis A. McComb, I.M. Gray, James W. Murphy, Robert Sellars, Interim Pastor  John Simms, and Carl E. Davis and Norman O. Hall

The Rev. James W. Murphy, was installed February 11, 1951 and served 42 distinguished years. The highlights of his tenure include numerical and spiritual growth, as well as construction of our current facilities. A gifted speaker, Pastor Murphy published a book of sermons and recorded two songs -- "On the Battlefield" and "Let Jesus Fix It For You." Sales proceeds from the book and records went toward the mortgage, which was retired under his leadership. Rev. Murphy traded his cross for a crown on October 5, 1993.

Our tenth pastor, the Reverend Norman O. Hall, was called on April 18, 2018 and installed on August 19, 2018.



First Baptist Church of Ken-Gar
3922 Hampden Street
Kensington, MD 20895
PH: 301-942-3423

Reverend Norman O. Hall, Pastor




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