Pastor's Corner                                                                                                                                                                                                                            reflections and applications...

Reflecting upon African-American history (and not just in February) should prompt true followers of Jesus to readily see the similarities of the move of God for people of faith of all times. One such divine interaction happened when the ancient Israelites finally crossed over the Jordan River into the Promised Land. Joshua 5 records that the encounter happened on the night of the first encampment in Gilgal.  That Hebrew name translates as wheel or rolling. The Lord rolled away the dysfunction and symptoms of the aftermath of enslavement.  God's people have always faced periods of transition from trauma, persecution and oppression where they may have wondered, what's next. That was the case 3,400 years ago under the leadership of Joshua, during the American Emancipation, Reconstruction, the Civil Rights era and currently in the MAGA retrenchment. It's the case on a personal level as well.
What transpired was a divine intervention that required God's people to respond, rather than be spectators of the supernatural.  There were three responses required for them to achieve the full promise of deliverance. First--they made a new covenant. No longer could they be halfway believers who were indifferent to God and others. Secondly - they made a new celebration that started even before the light of day. This suggests that we need new celebrations that commence even in the midst of darkness, uncertainty or before our blessings have arrived. The third response is a new confidence.  Upon their arrival, the Lord cut off manna, the daily bread that came while in the wilderness.  Instead of manna, they were now expected to live off the land.  Living off the land requires toil to work the soil.  But it promotes the understanding that God is faithful to supply rain and sun and will send a harvest if we are faithful.  It also gives us confidence in a God who is more powerful than any pharaoh. potentate or president and is willing and able to  lead us on.

First Baptist Church of Ken-Gar
3922 Hampden Street
Kensington, MD 20895
PH: 301-942-3423

Reverend Norman O. Hall, Pastor




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