Ministerial Staff

Pastor Norman O. Hall

Our pastor is a preacher and teacher dedicated to "the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for edifying the body of Christ." Rev. Hall proclaims the Good News in a way that is profound, practical, straight-forward and easily understood. His messages are Bible-based and relevant to the challenges of our times. And he doesn't take all day. You will listen, learn and may even laugh. Rev. Hall has been preaching for two decades and holds three earned degrees including a Master of Divnity from Virginia Union University. He is also a veteran journalist, outdoorsman and family man. He and his wife, the Reverend Lisa Weathers Hall, share five children and 12 grandchildren.

Rev. Mary Dorsey is not only one who proclaims the Gospel of Jesus, but exemplifies His loving kindness through her compassion for those who lack physical nutrition and shelter.

Rev. Lisa Weathers Hall is a Christian educator and entrepreneur, holds the honorary title of first lady, but is also a dyamic preacher in her own right. Dedicated and humble, she is a sought-after speaker and is responsible for having given strong academic and faith foundations for many children in Prince George's County.

Rev, Diane Henson is a servant who is crying out to a dying world through the power of God in the ministry of prayer, teaching and preaching the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Her greatest desire is to bring Glory to God and to exalt him in her living.

Rev. Benjamin Kelley is descendant of one our church's founders in Ken-Gar 98 years ago. He is a God-fearing, dedicated and humble servant. An invaluable part of his ministry is providing daily words of encouragement through social media 

Rev. Paul King has the rare and gifted abilities to be not only a proclaimer of the Gospel, but also can lift his voice in song and is a dynamic keyboardist. He serves as the Minister of Music.






First Baptist Church of Ken-Gar
3922 Hampden Street
Kensington, MD 20895
PH: 301-942-3423

Reverend Norman O. Hall, Pastor




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